Acne-Blog · 10. April 2020
In the last article I tried to answer the question whether different racial groups have different risks for developing acne. We saw that on average countries with predominantly Black or Asian populations showed much lower rates of acne than countries with predominantly White populations (1), but strangely enough, when looking at the United States, Blacks living within the U.S. seemed to be affected more by acne then Whites (2). How can this be? Let’s look at a study from west Africa more...
Acne-Blog · 09. April 2020
Today we want to try to answer the question whether different racial groups are affected differently by acne. Before we get started though, I feel that it is necessary to address the terminology. I will use the term race or racial group here and not ethnicity mostly in accordance with the US Census Bureau (1) and the US National Institutes of Health (2). The reason is that, although these terms - race and ethnicity - have a large overlap, it seems to be the prevailing opinion in the English...
Acne-Blog · 06. January 2019
Vegetable consumption has repeatedly been associated with decreased prevalence and severity of acne. How can you use that to improve your acne? Background info and practical advice.
Acne-Blog · 20. September 2018
For a long time there have been reports that a small share of people develop acne-like symptoms after receiving high doses of vitamin B12. This has also been reported in people who had never had acne before. In this article, I will explain what it is all about.
Acne-Blog · 19. September 2018
Why air pollution? Although this blog will largely explore the impact of nutrition on our skin, I start with another aspect of our lifestyle: the air that surrounds us. Unlike our food, we can barely control our ambient air, so it's even more important to know how to protect against potentially damaging effects. Air pollution is often suspected as a problem by acne patients and in forums, but usually without scientific basis. In this article, I give an overview of the state of research in this...